Diagnostic and Interventional Adaptive Imaging

Research director (DR2 Inserm)

Deputy head of IADI

RDC Bâtiment Recherche
CHU de Nancy Brabois
54511 Vandoeuvre les Nancy


Freddy Odille has an electrical engineering background with a degree obtained in 2003 from ENSEM (Nancy, France), a French engineering school from Institut National Polytechnique de Lorraine. In 2007 he obtained a PhD degree in automation and signal processing from Université Henri Poincaré de Nancy. From 2007 to 2010Ihe worked as a research associate (post-doc) in the Centre for Medical Image Computing, a research team of University College London, UK. In 2011 he was appointed as a research fellow of Inserm (chargé de recherche) in the IADI team in Nancy. In 2017Ihe got the HDR degree (French accreditation to supervise research) from Université de Lorraine. Since 2018, he has been the deputy head of IADI. In parallel to his research activity, he has joined the CIC-IT team since 2015 in order to help transfer r research projects to the clinical setting. Since 2022 he has been a co-founder and scientific advisor of Epsidy, a startup company aimed at transfering IADI’s technology on high density ECG mapping during cardiac MRI. In 2023, he was promoted to research director of Inserm (equivalent to professor). He has supervised 15 PhD students in the fields of MRI, PET, ECG and cardiac electrophysiology.

He has coauthored over 85 peer-reviewed journal papers in the fields of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), signal/image processing and bioengineering applied to medicine. He has reviewed over 110 journal papers and he is a regular reviewer for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging.

Main projects

•     2023-29: Co-leader of the imaging workpackage of IHU INFINY (5+5 M€) and RHU I-DEAL (6.7 M€) on Crohn’s disease. https://ihu-nancy.org/

•     2023-27: Principal investigator of ANR PRCE  project SWEETHEART  (Screening of women using magnetic resonance and electronic textiles for heart disease), 800 k€. Collaborators: IADI, Epsidy (Nancy), Healtis (Nancy), GEMTEX (Roubaix), LIRYC (Bordeaux)
.•    2021-25: Principal investigator of ANR PRCE project ELECTRA (Electrical property imaging by MRI: Application to the MR-safety of medical devices), 733 k€. Collaborators: IADI, CIC-IT (Nancy), Healtis (Nancy), ICUBE (Strasbourg), LMR (Reims).
•    2021-25: Leader of IADI in ANR PRC project MOSAR (Advanced Control of Head MOtion and Specific Absorption Rate to Leverage the Potential of 7 Tesla MRI for Pediatric Neuroimaging), 416 k€. Collaborators: Institut F. Joliot (Orsay, coordinateur), IADI.
•    2017-21: WP dleader of ANR PRCI project BraCoil (Smart bra-shaped MRI breast coil). Collaborators : IADI (coordinateur), IR4M (Orsay), Université de Vienne (Autriche).
•    2016-21: Co-WP -leader of ANR RHU project FIGHT-HT (Fighting Heart Failure). Main collaborators: CIC-P (coordinateur), IADI, CIC-IT (Nancy), Schiller Médical France (Wissembourg).

Expertise and membership

•    2022-present : Elected member of Inserm scientific panel on healthcare technologies(CSS 7)
•    2020-présent : Board member of France Life Imaging (FLI) – RE3 interventional imaging

•    2015-21 : Board member of the French society of magnetic resonance in biology and medicine (SFRMBM).
•    Reviewer for  MRM, IEEE TMI… (>110 articles, certified by publons.com)

Selected publications

1.    Soullié P, Missoffe A, Ambarki K, Felblinger J, Odille F. MR electrical properties imaging using a generalized image-based method. Magn Reson Med. 2021 Feb;85(2):762-776.
2.    Odille F, Battaglia A, Hoyland P, Sellal JM, Voilliot D, De Chillou C, Felblinger J. Catheter treatment of ventricular tachycardia: a reference-less pace-mapping method to identify ablation targets. IEEE Trans Biomed Eng. 2019 Nov;66(11):3278-3287.
3.    Odille F, Vuissoz PA, Marie PY, Felblinger J. Generalized reconstruction by inversion of coupled systems (GRICS) applied to free-breathing MRI. Magn Reson Med. 2008 Jul;60(1):146-57.

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